Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pictures of Gram's Birthday

Hey family,

I saw many people snapping pictures of Gram's party yesterday. If possible, could you please email an attachment of these photos so we can post them or if you want to post them yourself on this blog you are welcome to. I am playing around with the settings and hopefully will have changed this blog to invite you to be an author so that you may write on here too. Please check your email for the blog author invitation. Keep your fingers crossed, I am not very computer literate, but I am trying because I want to connect with my funny family. I love you all and was happy to see many of you at the party.

Janelle Call Davis

PS. Send photo attachments to if you need me to post pictures for you.

If you want to be an author on this blog, you will need to sign in with a free Google account. The email with the invite will have a link to help you sign up.

 If you did not receive an email invite to be an author on this blog. PLEASE, let me know (via email I don't want to leave anyone out. Love you!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Staying Connected To Our Roots

I woke up this morning with the thought of seeing my family at Gram's 80th birthday party today.  This past year I have be collecting Gram's memories and thoughts down in a journal.  Her words these days are few, but often funny and wise.  I love that she is willing to share her thoughts, it gives a perspective of our origin.  Thinking about this family gathering today, I know that there will be ice cream, running children, brief conversations, laughter, and hugs.  In a crowd of family, I feel surrounded by your love, but I don't always feel as connected to your lives and thoughts as I would like to be.  Family news and heartfelt feelings are not always passed on between family members because of geographic distance, or limited time.  My hope in starting this blog is that it can become a place where any willing family member can contribute their thoughts or share news about their lives.  Many of us already have blogs and I would love to link them up with, so that we can keep current on every family.  For those that don't have time for your own blog, I thought this blog might allow you the chance to share without having to manage an entire blog by yourself.  Recently Elijah wrote something in an email that expressed his desire to see the family and gave a sad reminder that grandmas don't last forever.  There will come a day when this fact is our reality.  My sincere hope is that Gram's legacy will be through us and our willingness to stay closely connected to each other.  I love all of you so much.

This blog site is going to be passed out at Gram's birthday party.  Please pass it along to other family members.  If you would like to write and post on this blog, please email and we will set you up as an author.  If you have your own blog and would like to have a link on this blog, please let us know via email:  Some blog links may be private; you will need to email this family member to get permission to read them.  It may take a little while before this blog is completely set up, but with your interest and contributions, it will be a great source for keeping in touch. This is not "my" blog, it is "our" blog, please help us all stay connected.  Thank you.  Happy Birthday Gram!

Janelle Call Davis
Special thanks to Madi Leyba and Natalie Gines for being my technology gurus.

Contact: to add links, get email addresses, or to become an author that can post on this blog.